Bible Study


Bible Study

Bible Study – Monday afternoons 2pm to 3.30pm

Genesis Study Part 2 - Tuesday 9th January to 20th February 2024

Continuing our study from Chapter 25 of Genesis.

Genesis Study Part 1 - 2nd October 23 to 13th November 23

Our study of the book of Genesis has generated some lively discussions, particularly around the creation timeline and how old we think the earth is. There then followed interesting discussions around the giants in Genesis 6 and the similarity of the tower of Babel and the UN building in Brussels. We are thoroughly enjoying sharing our different opinions and learning about the Devil’s plans for the world and the future. 9 of us regularly studied this and each of us learned and took away something different each time from God's living word. We celebrated week 7 with sandwiches and cake which was a lovely sharing time.


Revelation Study - 5th June 23 to 17th July 23

The book of Revelation promises a blessing to those that read it and heed it, so we prayed that God would guide us to a more intimate knowledge of Him as we studied together. We decided that a seven-week course is a good number, and it gives us something to aim for, so each week we looked at 3 chapters. Some weeks were more heavy-going than others, but we soldiered on, and things became clearer. It was particularly good to talk about the events that are happening today and to see them from a biblical prophecy perspective, so it made them more real. We talked about the mark of the beast and the fact that technology and the coming digital currency would mean that this is more possible these days than ever before. Overall, we understood that it is critical to talk to our family and friends about our faith, because God’s wrath is real and one day will be the end of all that we know. Again 12 of us tackled this, and it brought us closer as we shared ideas and views. - Trish

End Times Course - 20th Feb 23 to 3 Apr 23

I ran this course after being encouraged by the House Group run by John and Margaret. In our study, we looked at Bible Prophecy and why it is important. We asked what is the rapture and why does it bring hope? In week 3 we looked at Daniel’s visions and how it relates to today. Then we looked at the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation against the current times. During all this we looked at the signs of the times – Israel, nature, geopolitical, spiritual, cultural and technological. A cohort of 12 attended each week and all felt that as we had bonded together as a group, we wanted to continue so we decided to look at the Book of Revelation as it was felt that it was complicated and hard to understand, therefore it would be good to tackle together. - Trish

Queens Hall Mission

Charity number: 1128821